The Leeson Enterprise Centre was delighted to host a visit by Minister of State Neale Richmond TD on Friday 8th March.
He was accompanied by Deputy Michael Ring TD.
The Minister of State ( Minister of State at the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment with special responsibility for Business, Employment and Retail) and deputy Ring were greeted by Dermott Langan President of Westport Chamber, Padhraic Walsh Head of Westport-Belmullet Municipal District and Geraldine Horkan Manager of the Leeson Enterprise Centre where they were give a tour of the building and visited some of the micro businesses in the building.

Senitor IT Recruitment
L-R Minister of State Neale Richmond TD, Aaron Fair ( Senitor Recruitment),Dermott Langan ( President Westport Chamber) Margaret Parker -Grimes ( head of Division Ireland Senitor Recruitment) Deputy Michael Ring, Geraldine Horkan Manager Leeson Enterprise Centre

WEI Lab Research
L-R :MOS Neale Richmond, Aneta Dobrowolska Founder WEI Lab, Dermott Langan
(President Westport Chamber) Deputy Michael Ring, Geraldine Horkan Manager Leeson Enterprise Centre

Directors and staff of Langan Consulting Engineering
L-R Robert Moran, Gerry Cawley, James Langan( Director LCE), Tim McHugh ( Director LCE), Paul Coffey, MOS Neale Richmond , Dermott Langan ( President Westport Chamber) Padhraic Walsh ( Head of WBMD), Eamon O’ Riain (LCE)

Lafferty Group Banking Research and Advisory Services.
L-R Minister of State Neale Richmond TD, Ronan Lynch Executive Directory Lafferty Group, Deputy Michael Ring TD, Geraldine Horkan Manager Leeson Enterprise Centre